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Spotted Harlequin Phalaenopsis Orchid flower, rose quartz,

Mt Shasta spring water, sun rays, the elements & highly diluted brandy drops


What is a flower/gem essence?

A subtly powerful medicine that infuses the energetic imprint of a flower (and/or gem) with the support of the elements. Flower & gem essences support our spiritual, emotional, psychic and interpersonal healing


Medicinal and Spiritual Powers

Unconditional self-love, embrace of all our beautiful imperfections, harmonious relationships, balanced movement, ability to see big picture


How do I use it?

Place 4 drops under tongue or on skin (skin products, baths) 

3-4x a day or as called to by the medicine 


What is Mt Shasta?

Mt Shasta has been a sacred mountain for many indigenous tribes: Klamath, Modoc, Winnemem Wintu, Pit River, and Shasta peoples. Today it is visited (and occupied) by many spiritual seekers.

Comes in clear 1/2 oz glass bottle


Made with love in the CA Bay Area by a queer Boricua

Rose Quartz Spotted Harlequin Orchid Flower Essence

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