I met Jennifer Ching at the Park Slope Food Coop, where we both worked the same shift. If you have never visited or been a member there, it's one of the those places that many folks love to hate - and after 9 years of it, I was certainly one of those people. I shopped there because it was the only place in Brooklyn where I could afford to buy local, organic produce. I digress - an entire, blog post could be written about that coop!
Jennifer was one of the few people there in all those years that I genuinely connected with right away. We were both working the checkout shift (we scanned groceries like a cashier at any supermarket). I don't remember exactly how it happened but we ended up in a deep political conversation. She was friendly, kind and open.
It was no surprise to later find out more about her background and her work. Jennifer is the Executive Director of North Star Fund, a grant-making organization that "brings together a community of New Yorkers who care about social justice, who combine our resources—money, skills and networks—to fund locally-grown movements for change."They also provide grants directly to groups and organizing entities, including rapid response grants. I am honored that Jennifer is the first person to every share about Flor y Machete on a podcast. On a segment called "Jennifer Ching is Dismantling the System," Jennifer speaks with Nathan Thornburgh of Roads and Kingdoms about what we’re trying to build at North Star Fund and about her own journey.
To be clear, I don't think that non-profits and foundations are ones that will dismantle the system. They are part of the glue holding up the system and many are supported by people that have benefited from systems of oppression. However, while those systems are in existence, I'm glad that someone like Jennifer is pushing for "subverting the core principle about the link between money and power."
Thank you Jennifer, for sharing about my work, for being such a genuine person and for doing what you do in many areas of you life.
The Love Your Nerves tea mentioned on the podcast is a soothing, multi-purpose herbal blend of oatstraw, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender & rose. It can be used as: drinking tea herbal bath face steam herbal bajo (i.e down below or yoni steam)
It comes in kraft zipper resealable pouch with 24 servings and can be purchased here: